David Becomes President for 2013-14

Presidential handover 2013

On 4 July, David Gill was sworn in as the new President of the Rotary Club of Cranleigh, succeeding Jane O'Leary, who was the first lady President in the Club's history.

Now retired, David spent most of his career in human resource management for the building and civil engineering industries. He and his wife, Stephanie, have lived in the village for the past 30 years, and they have two sons. He has been a Cranleigh Parish Councillor for the past two years.

Speaking of his appointment, David said that his priorities were for Rotary to continue to support the local community through fund raising events and giving of time to help in various projects and initiatives - particularly involving young people - as well as working hard to broaden the membership base of the Club.

One of his first duties was to take partDavid Gill with BBC Radio Surrey 5 July 2013 in a live BBC Radio Surrey broadcast from the Richard Onslow public house, during which he bravely competed in the sweet corn eating championships. Unfortunately, he fell well short of the world record for the number of sweet corn kernels that can be eated in three minutes using a toothpick!

Captions: (Top) Jane O'Leary (left) hands over to David Gill, the new President of Cranleigh Rotary Club.

(Bottom) David speaks live on local radio before the sweet corn eating competition. (courtesy of BBC Radio Surrey)